Drive retirement readiness by offering a solution for funding out-of-pocket health care costs

By adding the Nationwide HSA administered by HealthEquity, you can offer your employees a benefits package that combines 2 long-term savings needs into 1 seamless experience. And you get resources designed to:

  • Educate employees about how to plan for and benefit from the triple tax advantages of HSAs: Contributions are pretax, investment growth is tax deferred, and withdrawals are tax free when used on qualifying medical expenses
  • Give employees an integrated view of their savings for retirement needs
  • Build confidence in planning for current and future medical bills

Nationwide’s health and wealth solution simplifies 2 of the most common employee benefits. The Nationwide HSA integrates into your retirement plan, reducing the separate administrative tasks of both. And, our HSA is carrier-neutral, so it can be coupled with most health plan providers.1

Nationwide believes that saving for health care expenses down the road is a critical component of a successful retirement plan. By displaying HSA balance and other information with retirement plan account data, we hope to educate participants on the value of using HSAs to enhance their long-term, retirement savings strategy rather than to address short-term needs.

70% of Americans consider health care costs one of their largest retirement concerns.2

Manage retirement and HSA accounts together online

screenshot of an hsa account log in screen showing examples of account balances

Participants will see a new HSA link when they log in to their retirement plan account, allowing them to see balances in their retirement account and HSA.

man and woman sitting by a campfire with the words save in your HSA to prepare for the future

Together with the wealth of tools and information that HealthEquity has on its online portal, participants will be able to better understand their needs and take steps toward retirement readiness.

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To learn more about the benefits of adding the Nationwide HSA administered by HealthEquity, call 1-800-626-3112.
[1] Employees must be covered by a high-deductible health plan to be eligible for an HSA.
[2] "2020 Nationwide Health Care Consumer Survey," conducted by The Harris Poll on behalf of the Nationwide Retirement Institute (2020). The 9th annual survey was conducted online within the United States from May 7-26, 2020, among 1,940 adults ages 24 and older.
This information is general in nature and is not intended to be tax, legal, accounting or other professional advice. The information provided is based on current laws, which are subject to change at any time, and has not been endorsed by any government agency.